Family Conflict Counseling

Now Accepting New Patients

We are open Monday-Friday & Sundays

Family Conflict Counseling Charlotte, North Carolina

You may be coming to this website because your family is in conflict. We want to help.

May be there is conflict in your family for the following reasons:
Each of these challenges creates new stresses that require skills and information to navigate each stage. Others believe events can also create live stressors that take a toll on the family and contribute to conflict. This may include events such as:
Your family conflict may relate to the fact that you are in family business and you need help negotiating the challenges there. We can help with that. You may just feel like you cannot get along with a relative but you desperately want this relationship to heal.

How we can help?

Dr. Todd is an expert in anger and conflict management with almost a decade of experience in conflict management and almost 20 years as a mental health practitioner. He can help you work through these family conflicts. He can help you think through the issue that is driving the conflict, assess the root cause, and create interventions that best suit your current situation


Take action

Contact us to schedule an appointment or to request a 15-minute consultation over the phone. Let us be the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be.